Achievements | – |
国家 | 中国 |
Region | China |
World Ranking | – |
Regional Ranking | – |
Matches | 9 / 9 |
Win Rate | 11% / 11% |
Current streak | 5 lose in a row |
Record win streak | 1 () |
Record lose streak | 3 () |
Earned | $6892 / $6892 |
MVP | – |
Four Four Three
Four Four Three Roster
Top.fearness stand-in |
1716721200 vs OP |
Jungle.Kid stand-in |
1716721200 vs OP |
Mid.Xiye stand-in |
1716721200 vs OP |
AD Carry.Y1HAN stand-in |
1716721200 vs OP |
Support.colin stand-in |
1716721200 vs OP |
Other players
全部FFT World Ranking
Ranking detailsTeam Four Four Three did not earn any rating points
FFT Regional Ranking (China)
Ranking detailsTeam Four Four Three did not earn any rating points
FFT Stats
on 2024-12-04Not enough data to compile statistics for the Four Four Three
Four Four Three Upcoming matches