Achievements 1 1 1
国家 西班牙
Region Europe
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches 53 / 131
Win Rate 55% / 56%
Current streak 2 lose in a row
Record win streak 7 ()
Record lose streak 8 ()
Earned – / $892

Bis Esports

Bis Esports Roster

Top.Uthred 1688580000
vs HG
Carbono Jungle.Carbono stand-in 1688580000
vs HG
Mid.Foxie stand-in 1688580000
vs HG
AD Carry.Sh3ry 1688580000
vs HG
Support.Eskiper stand-in 1688580000
vs HG

Other players

Nox 1679929200
Pinkmin 1679929200
Parlita 1679929200
tikyl 1679929200
Yoangi 1679929200
Ishi 1675702800
xMata 1669824000
Emvipi 1669824000
Backup 1667930400
Gilito 1666294200

BIS World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Bis Esports did not earn any rating points

BIS Regional Ranking (Europe)

Ranking details
Team Bis Esports did not earn any rating points

BIS Stats

on 2024-12-04
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Bis Esports

Bis Esports Upcoming matches



How much BIS earned

2021 $892

BIS Achievements

1 LEA 2021 Split 3 LEA 2021 Split 3 $453
3 Supercopa CDA 2021 Supercopa CDA 2021 $87
2 Gamergy Stars 2021 Gamergy Stars 2021 $352