Players Ranking

rating form money match Team
#1 NiKo 763 101% $1567677 2024-12-05
#2 ZywOo 721 87% $1136148 2024-12-05
#2 Twistzz 721 90% $1357750 2024-12-05
#4 jabbi 719 103% $347869 2024-11-24
#5 dev1ce 718 101% $1932117 2024-11-02
#6 xertioN 710 96% $371961 2024-12-05
#7 m0NESY 709 103% $663374 2024-12-05
#8 TeSeS 700 108% $596605 2024-12-05
#9 Brollan 698 100% $726092 2024-12-05
#10 XANTARES 694 105% $512438 2024-11-23
#11 torzsi 686 102% $381372 2024-12-05
#12 huNter- 684 99% $962290 2024-12-05
#13 DemQQ 682 99% $123936 2024-11-24
#14 Spinx 681 95% $721925 2024-12-05
#15 sjuush 680 99% $672138 2024-12-05
#15 NAF 680 98% $1090522 2024-12-05
#17 Jimpphat 674 96% $299041 2024-12-05
#18 woxic 670 102% $460211 2024-11-23
#19 siuhy 668 91% $382202 2024-12-05
#19 ropz 668 102% $1322738 2024-12-05
Player Rankings is based on the results of the last 30 matches and their playing career experience. For each position (role) points are considered differently. The larger the tournament, the more points. The rating is recalculated every week based on the dates of the tournaments.

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