Achievements 1
Country China
Region China
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches – / 117
Win Rate – / 6%
Current streak
Record win streak 1 ()
Record lose streak 1 ()
Earned – / $74791

Snake Esports

Snake Esports Roster

baolei baolei stand-in 1552218000
Golden Legends S6
T1antian T1antian stand-in 1552218000
Golden Legends S6
Dongdong Dongdong stand-in 1552218000
Golden Legends S6
ChenWu ChenWu stand-in 1552218000
Golden Legends S6

Other players

Wang88 1539959400
Jiaozhu 1539959400
Buguniao 1539528300
Zkk 1539528300
277 1539528300
66 1521986400

Snake TC World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Snake Esports did not earn any rating points

Snake TC Regional Ranking (China)

Ranking details
Team Snake Esports did not earn any rating points

Snake TC Stats

on 2025-02-12
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Snake Esports

Snake Esports Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much Snake TC earned

2018 $74791

Snake TC Achievements

1 Huya Tianming Cup 2018 Huya Tianming Cup 2018 $72791
13 PUBG Fall Invitational 2018 PUBG Fall Invitational 2018 $1000
11 PUBG Spring Invitational 2018 PUBG Spring Invitational 2018 $1000