Achievements 1
Country Australia
Region SEA & Oceania
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches – / 283
Win Rate – / 5%
Current streak
Record win streak 2 ()
Record lose streak 2 ()
Earned – / $1590

Pandemic eSports

Pandemic eSports Roster

Wicko stand-in 1637575980
LPL 2021 S3
Rookie stand-in 1637575980
LPL 2021 S3
Jakeey stand-in 1637575980
LPL 2021 S3
Akita stand-in 1637575980
LPL 2021 S3

Other players

Millah 1633947300
flukey 1627902540
Spaggy 1606645860
sSuspekT 1606645860
Asba 1606645860
Hikerman 1606645860
Paanda- 1606309500
Cozyy 1606128780
Mrclayyy 1605523920
Suh 1605092640
Meltings 1603017720
Tazzii 1602500100
fury 1601895720
Daak 1597580100
hobthehob 1553944740
fostRR 1553944740

PAN World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Pandemic eSports did not earn any rating points

PAN Regional Ranking (SEA & Oceania)

Ranking details
Team Pandemic eSports did not earn any rating points

PAN Stats

on 2024-10-30
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Pandemic eSports

Pandemic eSports Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much PAN earned

2021 $440
2020 $1150

PAN Achievements