Achievements 2
Country Russian Federation
Region CIS
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches – / 232
Win Rate – / 7%
Current streak
Record win streak 2 ()
Record lose streak 2 ()
Earned – / $1625


Mutiny Roster

Maxiz0r Maxiz0r stand-in 1630265700
PCS Series 5 EU
Uxiq stand-in 1630265700
PCS Series 5 EU
Layosh stand-in 1630265700
PCS Series 5 EU
GOOSYARA666 stand-in 1630265700
PCS Series 5 EU

Other players

Granula 1628358360
shoto 1626373680
Dan1mon 1624820760
t0q 1621971000
Zamay 1621971000
Dab00m 1613853240
btmz 1613853240
SPERMOBAQ666 1612646280
Zubila 1603646700
Houstonrdy 1603646700
1amnotmuver 1603646700
iZooom 1602186300
Muver 1599586320

MTN World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Mutiny did not earn any rating points

MTN Regional Ranking (CIS)

Ranking details
Team Mutiny did not earn any rating points

MTN Stats

on 2024-12-04
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Mutiny

Mutiny Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much MTN earned

2021 $1625

MTN Achievements

12 PCS Series 5 EU PCS Series 5 EU – EU East $350
2 EPG CIS Masters EPG CIS Masters $175
2 PCS Series 4 EU PCS Series 4 EU – EU East $1100