Country Serbia
Region Europe
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches 12 / 155
Win Rate 0% / 3%
Current streak
Record win streak 1 ()
Record lose streak 2 ()
Earned – / $1600
MVP zembery

Team Misfits

Team Misfits Roster

zembery 1649534940
PCS Series 6 EU
dann1lo 1649534940
PCS Series 6 EU
Xeron 1649534940
PCS Series 6 EU
dul1k dul1k stand-in 1649534940
PCS Series 6 EU

Other players

benq5 1627501260
xertzy 1627501260
curexi 1622579520
Ante 1622579520
xKriss 1616018460
SILERZZ 1608675060
IanGG- 1608672600
vulX 1605818100
dogzeR 1604154540
kleineman 1604154540

MSF World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Team Misfits did not earn any rating points

MSF Regional Ranking (Europe)

Ranking details
Team Team Misfits did not earn any rating points

MSF Stats

on 2024-10-02
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Team Misfits

Team Misfits Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much MSF earned

2020 $1600

MSF Achievements

23 PCS Charity EU PCS Charity EU $1600