Country Australia
Region SEA & Oceania
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches 64 / 64
Win Rate 5% / 5%
Current streak
Record win streak 2 ()
Record lose streak 1 ()
Earned – / $200


Invidious Roster

KillerRoo stand-in 1686494820
PGS 2023 P2 APAC
SanZ stand-in 1686494820
PGS 2023 P2 APAC
Millah stand-in 1686494820
PGS 2023 P2 APAC
poonye stand-in 1686494820
PGS 2023 P2 APAC

Other players

Jak0vsky 1666606440
Mrclayyy 1666606440
GSGGx 1665397140

INV World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Invidious did not earn any rating points

INV Regional Ranking (SEA & Oceania)

Ranking details
Team Invidious did not earn any rating points

INV Stats

on 2024-12-04
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Invidious

Invidious Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much INV earned

2022 $200

INV Achievements

7 PCS Series 7 APAC Oceania PCS Series 7 APAC Oceania $200