Country China
Region China
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches 68 / 86
Win Rate 3% / 3%
Current streak
Record win streak 1 ()
Record lose streak 2 ()
Earned – / –


DDF Roster

Sky 1703940600
Tianming Cup S11
Dong 1703940600
Tianming Cup S11
Moon stand-in 1703940600
Tianming Cup S11
AAAchilles stand-in 1703940600
Tianming Cup S11

Other players

sKyyUUU 1694177220
Shark 1684675500
jojo 1684675500
akaXuan 1684675500
Xuan 1650204000
Xzz 1650204000
Yu 1650204000
LeiLuoPsy 1650204000
xiaodai 1650115680

DDF World Ranking

Ranking details
Team DDF did not earn any rating points

DDF Regional Ranking (China)

Ranking details
Team DDF did not earn any rating points

DDF Stats

on 2024-10-09
Not enough data to compile statistics for the DDF

DDF Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much DDF earned

No prizes earned