Country China
Region China
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches – / 195
Win Rate – / 3%
Current streak
Record win streak 1 ()
Record lose streak 2 ()
Earned – / $4236

Chuang Shi Gaming

Chuang Shi Gaming Roster

927 927 stand-in 1597580700
PCL 2020 Fall
QingLong_xL QingLong_xL stand-in 1597580700
PCL 2020 Fall
BaiHu_Xp BaiHu_Xp stand-in 1597580700
PCL 2020 Fall
XuanWu_JiSi XuanWu_JiSi stand-in 1597580700
PCL 2020 Fall

Other players

ZhuQue_Jm 1596718620
QiLin_Ruler 1587908820
ZhuQue 1586352540
TaoTiexk 1569157740

CSG World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Chuang Shi Gaming did not earn any rating points

CSG Regional Ranking (China)

Ranking details
Team Chuang Shi Gaming did not earn any rating points

CSG Stats

on 2024-12-11
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Chuang Shi Gaming

Chuang Shi Gaming Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much CSG earned

2020 $4236

CSG Achievements

9 PCL 2020 Spring PCL 2020 Spring $4236