Country Argentina
Region South America
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches – / 150
Win Rate – / 5%
Current streak
Record win streak 2 ()
Record lose streak 2 ()
Earned – / $500

Team Aze

Team Aze Roster

AleeRv AleeRv stand-in 1603507680
Copa Masters S3
TopoLobo stand-in 1603507680
Copa Masters S3
Logan stand-in 1603507680
Copa Masters S3
Eva-001 stand-in 1603507680
Copa Masters S3

Other players

HazeteN 1600999260
Nytto 1597616880
Dizzy 1597616880
altiz1nho 1595554200
ShoCk 1592011380

AZE World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Team Aze did not earn any rating points

AZE Regional Ranking (South America)

Ranking details
Team Team Aze did not earn any rating points

AZE Stats

on 2024-10-09
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Team Aze

Team Aze Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much AZE earned

2020 $500

AZE Achievements