Country Korea, Republic of
Region SEA & Oceania
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches – / 92
Win Rate – / 5%
Current streak
Record win streak 1 ()
Record lose streak 1 ()
Earned – / –

Afreeca Zar Gaming

Afreeca Zar Gaming Roster

WICK2D WICK2D stand-in 1611491460
PWS: East Asia
Lash Lash stand-in 1611491460
PWS: East Asia
Foxy Foxy stand-in 1611491460
PWS: East Asia
Draft Draft stand-in 1611405900
PWS: East Asia

Other players

Esther 1607859420
Rage 1607859420
Untop 1602331560
SexyChan 1602331560

AZG World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Afreeca Zar Gaming did not earn any rating points

AZG Regional Ranking (SEA & Oceania)

Ranking details
Team Afreeca Zar Gaming did not earn any rating points

AZG Stats

on 2024-10-30
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Afreeca Zar Gaming

Afreeca Zar Gaming Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much AZG earned

No prizes earned