Country United States
Region North America
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches – / 54
Win Rate – / 0%
Current streak
Record win streak
Record lose streak 1 ()
Earned – / $500


64UP Roster

DirtyZinn stand-in 1592794860
NA Challenger Cup 1
Sociopath Sociopath stand-in 1592794860
NA Challenger Cup 1
brokestatus stand-in 1592794860
NA Challenger Cup 1
Hoshi stand-in 1592794860
NA Challenger Cup 1

Other players

Rjx 1589761020

64UP World Ranking

Ranking details
Team 64UP did not earn any rating points

64UP Regional Ranking (North America)

Ranking details
Team 64UP did not earn any rating points

64UP Stats

on 2025-02-12
Not enough data to compile statistics for the 64UP

64UP Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much 64UP earned

2020 $500

64UP Achievements

12 NA Challenger Cup 1 NA Challenger Cup 1 $500