Country Panama
Region North America
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches – / 22
Win Rate – / 41%
Current streak 3 lose in a row
Record win streak 3 ()
Record lose streak 3 ()
Earned – / –

Valhalla Legion

Valhalla Legion Roster

Top.Pipa stand-in 1625194800
vs JV
Top.Inside stand-in 1625194800
vs JV
Mid.Deku stand-in 1625194800
vs JV
AD Carry.FabianG stand-in 1625194800
vs JV
Support.iMinions stand-in 1625194800
vs JV

Other players

Eluviet 1622772000
Kazunaru 1622772000
Tunas 1622772000
Vexzuss 1621998000
Godles 1621998000
Keixt 1615950900
Adsiit 1613520000

VL World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Valhalla Legion did not earn any rating points

VL Regional Ranking (North America)

Ranking details
Team Valhalla Legion did not earn any rating points

VL Stats

on 2024-10-09
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Valhalla Legion

Valhalla Legion Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much VL earned

No prizes earned