Achievements 2
Country Spain
Region Europe
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches 20 / 148
Win Rate 40% / 53%
Current streak
Record win streak 6 ()
Record lose streak 7 ()
Earned – / $274

Europe Saviors Club

Europe Saviors Club Roster

Top.Saethra stand-in 1709920800
vs ESB
Jungle.Ever stand-in 1709920800
vs ESB
Mid.Amarizo 1709920800
vs ESB
AD Carry.Luntear stand-in 1709920800
vs ESB
Support.Robko stand-in 1709920800
vs ESB

Other players

Kulvas 1708711800
Melekx 1708711800
mumek 1708711800
Evaan 1708711800
Aincardz 1708711800
Izo 1707498600
Balyy 1706889600
Marzo 1706288400
Danza 1706288400

EUS World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Europe Saviors Club did not earn any rating points

EUS Regional Ranking (Europe)

Ranking details
Team Europe Saviors Club did not earn any rating points

EUS Stats

on 2024-10-30
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Europe Saviors Club

Europe Saviors Club Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much EUS earned

2022 $98
2021 $176

EUS Achievements

2 Taverna GLS Taverna GLS $98
2 LEA 2021 Split 2 LEA 2021 Split 2 $176