Players Ranking

role rating form money match Team
#1 Xiaohu Mid 528 90% $886907 2024-09-02
#2 Elk AD Carry 510 117% $251051 2024-08-30
#3 Knight Mid 507 113% $624611 2024-08-30
#4 Tarzan Jungle 482 88% $179858 2024-09-02
#5 Peyz AD Carry 459 103% $151350 2024-09-08
#6 bin Top 454 106% $505460 2024-08-30
#7 Ale Top 451 87% $60874 2024-08-16
#8 RooKie Mid 446 107% $753656 2024-09-01
#9 Kiin Top 444 91% $192562 2024-09-08
#10 Light AD Carry 434 96% $157103 2024-09-02
#11 Aiming AD Carry 432 101% $68868 2024-09-01
#12 Flandre Top 431 100% $263448 2024-09-02
#13 ShowMaker Mid 429 116% $518816 2024-09-01
#14 Leyan Jungle 428 100% $83786 2024-09-01
#15 YaGao Mid 416 109% $389011 2024-09-02
#16 milkyway Jungle 412 84% $5641 2024-08-13
#16 Gala AD Carry 412 100% $277072 2024-08-31
#16 Chovy Mid 412 99% $392939 2024-09-08
#19 Scout Mid 407 103% $592213 2024-08-31
#20 369 Top 403 93% $589303 2024-08-24
Player Rankings is based on the results of the last 30 matches and their playing career experience. For each position (role) points are considered differently. The larger the tournament, the more points. The rating is recalculated every week based on the dates of the tournaments.