From hero to zero: G2 lose four matches in row at MSI 2022 after their winstreak
2022-05-23 14:26:00G2 lost twice to PSG Talon and once to T1 and Royal Never Give Up at Mid-Season Invitational 2022 after their long-lasting winning streak. What started as a dominant run in Korea, is now becoming dangerously close to elimination for Europeans.
RNG already qualified for the playoffs and T1 chances are looking good too. G2, Evil Geniuses, and PSG Talon will decide which one of them will leave the tournament on the last day of the competition.

Weirdly enough, G2 started losing right after it crossed out their own tag continuing their "Death Note" joke.
Mid-Season Invitational 2022 is being held in Busan, Korea on May 10-29. Eleven teams from all over the world fight their way to the $250k prize pool and a share of in-game sales. LCL representative is missing this year after Spring Split was canceled because of the geopolitical situation in Ukraine.