Achievements | 1 |
Country | Ukraine |
Region | CIS |
World Ranking | – |
Regional Ranking | – |
Matches | 6 / 6 |
Win Rate | 83% / 83% |
Current streak | – |
Record win streak | 4 () |
Record lose streak | – |
Earned | $2500 / $2500 |
MVP | – |
Zombie farm
Zombie farm Roster
Carry.gotthejuice stand-in |
1670180760 vs NBH |
Mid.Ri4man stand-in |
1670180760 vs NBH |
Offlane.pma stand-in |
1670180760 vs NBH |
Support.Riddys stand-in |
1670180760 vs NBH |
Support.QBFY stand-in |
1670180760 vs NBH |
3om6u World Ranking
Ranking detailsTeam Zombie farm did not earn any rating points
3om6u Regional Ranking (CIS)
Ranking detailsTeam Zombie farm did not earn any rating points
3om6u Stats
on 2024-10-30Not enough data to compile statistics for the Zombie farm
Zombie farm Upcoming matches
TimeNo matches found