Country Philippines
Region SEA & Oceania
World Ranking
Regional Ranking #20
Matches 40 / 42
Win Rate 18% / 17%
Current streak 2 lose in a row
Record win streak 3 ()
Record lose streak 10 ()
Earned $600 / $600
MVP Franz

The Immortal

The Immortal Roster

Carry.Franz 1723201380
vs SFP4
InsaNe Mid.InsaNe 1723201380
vs SFP4
Offlane.STARBOY 1723201380
vs SFP4
Support.谐儿 Xie Er 1722776400
vs BOE
Support.Ren 1723201380
vs SFP4

Other players

Uglier 1723201380
ivanshelbydota 1722776400
Azur4 1716123660
Lance 1716123660
kalay99 1710576480
Asta 1710576480
Kuch 1710576480
Skill Lay 1710310440
Calay 1710310440
Ifr1t! 1710216120

TI World Ranking

Ranking details
Team The Immortal did not earn any rating points

TI Regional Ranking (SEA & Oceania)

Ranking details

TI Stats

on 2024-10-02

The Immortal Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much TI earned

2024 $600

TI Achievements

8 Minotaur League Minotaur League $600