Achievements 1
Country Russian Federation
Region CIS
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches 28 / 28
Win Rate 57% / 57%
Current streak
Record win streak 7 ()
Record lose streak 1 ()
Earned – / $54750


Outsiders Roster

RAMZES666 Carry.RAMZES666 stand-in 1662539160
vs BB
DM Mid.DM stand-in 1662539160
vs BB
yamich Offlane.yamich stand-in 1662539160
vs BB
gpk~ Support.gpk~ stand-in 1662539160
vs BB
Xakoda Support.Xakoda stand-in 1662539160
vs BB

Other players

Pure 1651230000

Outsider World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Outsiders did not earn any rating points

Outsider Regional Ranking (CIS)

Ranking details
Team Outsiders did not earn any rating points

Outsider Stats

on 2024-12-11
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Outsiders

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