Achievements 2 1
Country United Kingdom
Region Europe
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches 56 / 146
Win Rate 46% / 49%
Current streak
Record win streak 6 ()
Record lose streak 9 ()
Earned – / $93546

Into The Breach

Into The Breach Roster

Carry.RESPECT stand-in 1693209540
vs KZ
Lowskill Mid.Lowskill stand-in 1693209540
vs KZ
Supream^ Offlane.Supream^ stand-in 1693209540
vs KZ
Support.Merlin stand-in 1693209540
vs KZ
Xibbe Support.Xibbe stand-in 1693209540
vs KZ

Other players

Nande 1687946100
Pablo 1687946100
Otaker 1682278200
Immersion 1682278200
Kidaro 1675789200
ekki 1668782460
Ari 1667728860
schiz0phrenial 1667394420
Chessie 1650471600
TANNER 1650471600
Adzantick 1650471600
fakegamer 1648655700
symetricaL 1643457600

ITB World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Into The Breach did not earn any rating points

ITB Regional Ranking (Europe)

Ranking details
Team Into The Breach did not earn any rating points

ITB Stats

on 2024-10-09
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Into The Breach

Into The Breach Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much ITB earned

2023 $43000
2022 $40500
2021 $9000
2020 $1046

ITB Achievements