Country Georgia
Region CIS
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches 5 / 29
Win Rate 20% / 38%
Current streak 3 lose in a row
Record win streak 2 ()
Record lose streak 3 ()
Earned – / –

Team Georgia

Team Georgia Roster

Carry.Muffin stand-in 1721476800
vs UKR
Nande Mid.Nande stand-in 1721476800
vs UKR
Offlane.Tsoppa stand-in 1721476800
vs UKR
Support.Stormy stand-in 1721476800
vs UKR
Support.St2my stand-in 1721476800
vs UKR

Other players

taytay` 1670155920
Noaahhh 1670155920
valerajeebat 1670155920
Chila 1670155920
John Joe Lee 1670155920
W1sh- 1632408060
Tr1cky 1632408060
Red 1632408060
pma 1605530520

GEO World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Team Georgia did not earn any rating points

GEO Regional Ranking (CIS)

Ranking details
Team Team Georgia did not earn any rating points

GEO Stats

on 2024-10-09
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Team Georgia

Team Georgia Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much GEO earned

No prizes earned