Achievements 1
Country Ukraine
Region CIS
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches – / 8
Win Rate – / 63%
Current streak 4 wins in a row
Record win streak
Record lose streak
Earned – / $1518


BladeSsS Roster

Carry.Mataraxis stand-in 1638014400
vs NSS
Mid.Panda stand-in 1638014400
vs NSS
Offlane.SoulQ stand-in 1638014400
vs NSS
Support.Merlin stand-in 1635865260
vs 3DP
Support.sdfsdfge3fwefwf stand-in 1638014400
vs NSS

Other players

karma 1634755140

BladeSsS World Ranking

Ranking details
Team BladeSsS did not earn any rating points

BladeSsS Regional Ranking (CIS)

Ranking details
Team BladeSsS did not earn any rating points

BladeSsS Stats

on 2025-02-05
Not enough data to compile statistics for the BladeSsS

BladeSsS Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much BladeSsS earned

2021 $1518

BladeSsS Achievements

1 Legion University League Legion University League $1518