Achievements 2 1
Country Philippines
Region SEA & Oceania
World Ranking
Regional Ranking
Matches 21 / 55
Win Rate 57% / 42%
Current streak
Record win streak 5 ()
Record lose streak 5 ()
Earned – / $18750

Anonymous Esports

Anonymous Esports Roster

Carry.pewpew stand-in 1700884980
vs Wiz
Mid.TIM stand-in 1700884980
vs Wiz
Offlane.scarlet stand-in 1700884980
vs Wiz
Support.john stand-in 1700884980
vs Wiz
Aleak Support.Aleak stand-in 1700884980
vs Wiz

Other players

deckz 1699932900
Ami 1656242700
FlyDog 1656242700
Co 1656242700
Pringles 1654684980
no care 1654056120
specific 1619974800
mikasa. 1619974800
qweasdzxcrtyfghvbn 1619974800
broke boy. 1619974800
parenʹ s talantom(no cap) 1619974800
Nj 1589022660
Thebonzoshow 1589022660
Skadi 1589022660
Destrice 1589022660

AE World Ranking

Ranking details
Team Anonymous Esports did not earn any rating points

AE Regional Ranking (SEA & Oceania)

Ranking details
Team Anonymous Esports did not earn any rating points

AE Stats

on 2024-12-04
Not enough data to compile statistics for the Anonymous Esports

Anonymous Esports Upcoming matches

No matches found

Recent matches

How much AE earned

2023 $10750
2022 $8000

AE Achievements

6 Divinity Divinity $250
1 OEA OEA $10000
4 BC BC $500
1 GDSL S3 GDSL S3 $6000
5 GDSL S2 GDSL S2 $600
3 GDSL S1 GDSL S1 $1400