Kyousuke is most-picked bold prediction for 2025, chosen my m0NESY, ZywOo and four more players
2025-01-12 15:34:00Maxim "Kyousuke" Lukin appeared in the most of "bold predictions" of this HLTV Top 20. Six players, including Ilya "m0NESY" Osipov and Mathieu "ZywOo" Herbaut, think that the Spirit Academy's rifler will become a breakthrough talent in 2025. Surprisingly enough, his friend and the winner of the race, Danil "donk" Kryshkovets, didn't chose him.
Kyousuke in bold predictions
- Ilya "m0NESY" Osipov (2nd)
- Mathieu "ZywOo" Herbaut (3rd)
- Dmitry "sh1ro" Sokolov (6th)
- David "frozen" Cernansky (10th)
- Lotan "Spinx" Giladi (13th)
- Robin "ropz" Kool (18th)

Donk made a special mention of kyousuke but chose Ivan "zweih" Gogin instead. The rest of the picks were different. Only makazze from NAVI Junior was named twice by the main squad members. Also, Passion UA players were chosen quite often after their success at Shanghai Major RMR.
Kyousuke is about to hit 17 years old. He joined Spirit Academy in March 2024. Together with him, the team became the champion of two CCT Season 2 tournaments. The player finished the competitive season with a rating of 1.29. He has been around the top of FACEIT Elo rankings across the year alongside donk. Read more about Spirit's prospect in the dedicated article below.