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Anomaly: Shanghai Major sold only ~20% souvenir cases compared to Paris Major Rumors

Swedish content maker Anomaly summarized the dropoff of Souvenir Packages and stickers during the last CS2 Major. Based on third-party services and reports, he estimated that the sales of cosmetics at Shanghai Major 2024 were roughly around 20% compared to CS:GO BLAST Paris Major 2023. Anomaly blamed Valve for the users' loss of interest.

People are just tired of the way we have the new souvenirs. Every Major is the same, it's so boring. The stickers all look the same, the souvenir packages look the same. And the latter don't even have autographs. Why would anyone buy and open these, and the odds of getting a red are so low!

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By his estimations, only 311 covert (red) skins were unboxed at Shanghai Major. Witch is five times less than 1668 items of the same quality purchased at Paris Major. Observing the gold stickers, Anomaly discovered an even worse tendency: Only 12% were sold compared to Paris Major. The latter calculation is flawed as the sticker quantity depends on sales, and the Shanghai Major sale hasn't started yet.

Anomaly pointed at the recent The Four Horseman podcast, where Jason Lake revealed their approximate earnings from Majors. The Complexity CEO said they got 75% less from Copenhagen stickers compared to Paris. And then, 30%-40% less in Shanghai compared to Copenhagen.

If we take HLTV's report about $110 mln earned by all teams of Paris Major as a base value, Copenhagen would bring $27.5 mln, and Shanghai would be $16-19 mln. It's important to note that Complexity got into a lucky capsule in Paris, with top teams starting in Challengers. The following Majors weren't that great for them. Also, Lake revealed this while Shanghai Major was still running. His information in general falls in line with what their manager Messioso reported shortly after the Danish Major.

Complexity manager: "Paris Major [sticker] values were absurdly higher than any other Major. Copenhagen has been a return to the norm"
Tags Paris Major 2023 Paris Major 2023

PGL Major Copenhagen 2024 PGL Major Copenhagen 2024

PW Shanghai Major 2024 PW Shanghai Major 2024


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