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OverDrive on s1mple's situation during CS2 reshuffle: "I don't know if anything is happening"

CS2 insider Aleksey "OverDrive" Biryukov commented on the state of the Oleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev's career amidst the ongoing reshuffle hype on transfer market. He is unaware if the AWPer is engaged in any talks, and thinks that finding a team will be difficult for him. Here's what OverDrive said on stream, addressing a question from chat.

I don't know if anything is happening with s1mple. Of course, I wish him to find a good team and show some fire, but it will be hard to do.

Aleksey "OverDrive" Biryukov
Post-Shanghai Major rostermania: leaks, rumors, transfers, roster moves of 2025 in CS2

This is a worrying sign for those fans of s1mple who wanted to see him on a team in the beginning of next year. OverDrive is typically well-informed about the many transfer moves and rarely misses a chance to spill the beans, even when it hurts his insider reputation. So he could've used this opportunity to tease fans if he new anything particular.

S1mple's contract expires somewhere in 2025, the exact date is unknown. His inactivity hurts everyone involved. The player can boost viewership just by appearing on a server. NAVI are losing money and reaching the point where his buyout will cost pennies. Some prominent teams could've use his experience and firepower. Before Shanghai Major, s1mple put out decent numbers for Falcons even after almost a year of inactivity.

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