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OverDrive: "I was told by another insider that NAVI wants to sign Hobbit instead of sdy" Rumors

Russian analyst and insider Alexey "OverDrive" Biryukov shared the rumor that Natus Vincere wants to replace Viktor "sdy" Orudzhev with Abai "Hobbit" Hasenov. Apparently, some less known insider shared that info with him.

OverDrive didn't confirm the report himself, and this insider doesn't have the best track record. So we recommend to take this info with a grain of salt.

The "great" insider harumi told me today that NAVI wants to pick Hobbit instead of sdy. I have no idea if this is true, I think that Cloud9 will do everything possible to save the roster.

I wouldn't change anything in NAVI. Their main issue is their mental state on tournaments, they need to be prepared. Because when you leave and rest for 2 months, you won't be able to prepare well even if you have 2-3 weeks. CS is the game where you need to be in full focus while you are playing. The vacations should be only taken every 4 months.

Alexey "OverDrive" Biryukov

Natus Vincere finished the last Major on 5-8th place after losing to FURIA. Sdy's future in the roster is still under question, and with lackluster performance from him in Rio a lot of people are sure that he will be removed.

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